contoh kalimat court of session
- If presented to the Court of Sessions,
Kalau aku dihadapkan ke pengadilan, - In MacCormick v Lord Advocate, the Scottish Court of Session ruled against the plaintiffs, finding that the Queen's title was a matter of her own choice and prerogative.
Dalam MacCormick v Lord Advocate, sebuah Pengadilan Sesi Skotlandia melawan para penggugat, menyatakan bahwa gelar Ratu adalah sebuah materi hak istimewa dan pilihannya sendiri. - The supreme civil court is the Court of Session, although civil appeals can be taken to the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom (or before 1 October 2009, the House of Lords).
Pengadilan perdata tertinggi adalah Pengadilan Sesi, namun banding juga dapat dibawa ke Mahkamah Agung Britania Raya (atau ke Dewan Pertuanan sebelum 1 Oktober 2009). - “We are calling for parliament to be recalled immediately,” said Scottish National Party lawmaker Joanna Cherry, who led the challenge, after Scotland’s Court of Session ruled the prorogation should be annulled.
"Kami menyerukan agar parlemen segera dipanggil kembali," kata anggota parlemen Partai Nasional Skotlandia Joanna Cherry, yang memimpin tantangan, setelah Pengadilan Sidang Skotlandia memutuskan prorogasi harus dibatalkan. - If ye can convince the Duke of Sandringham to deliver that document to the lord president of the court of session, that could lead to a court martial for Black Jack, or at the very least, a reassignment far from Scottish soil.
Kalau kau bisa meyakinkan the Duke of Sandringham untuk memberikan dokumen itu pada pemimpin di pengadilan, Black Jack akan diadili secara militer, atau setidaknya, ia bisa dimutasi jauh dari Skotlandia.